A multipurpose treatment that uses your skin’s natural healing abilities to stimulate collagen and elastin production. 

ABOUT microneedling

Microneedling is a minimally invasive procedure that creates micro wounds in the skin to stimulate collagen production. This multi purpose treatment takes advantage of the body’s natural healing process to treat a variety of skin conditions. To achieve optimal results, a series of multiple treatments is typically recommended.


Microneedling uses a handheld device that uses extremely sharp, sterile needles to puncture the skin. This damage to the skin helps stimulate your skin’s healing process, which includes the increased production of collagen and elastin, two crucial proteins for skin health. 

how it works

Microneedling is a minimally invasive procedure with very little downtime. Your skin will be thoroughly cleansed and a numbing cream will be applied prior to the treatment. During the treatment, you may feel some warmth and a vibration sensation as the device moves over your skin, but the numbing cream should keep pain to a minimum. Immediately after treatment, your skin will likely be red but will gradually improve over a couple of days. You should stay out of the sun for about a week until your skin heals. 



  • Microneedling is used to treat and improve conditions like acne scarring, fine lines and wrinkles, loose skin, skin texture and pore size, and stretch marks.

  • Microneedling is generally not considered painful, as a topical anesthetic is applied to ensure comfort during the procedure.

  • A typical session lasts about an hour, depending on the treatment area and the specific conditions being addressed.

  • Immediately after the treatment, there might be mild redness and swelling, similar to mild sunburn. These effects typically last for 24-48 hours, and there may be some slight bruising or peeling a few days after the session. We will recommend specific aftercare products to help soothe, heal, and hydrate the skin.

  • The number of treatments depends on how well the individual responds to the therapy and the severity of the skin issue. Most people require 3-6 treatments spaced about 4-6 weeks apart for optimal results.

  • While microneedling is safe for most people, there are some risks, such as infection, pigment changes (especially in darker skin tones), and scarring (particularly in those who keloid). Ensuring the procedure is done by a qualified professional and following aftercare instructions can minimize these risks.