PRF (Platelet-rich Fibrin)

UNDER EYE Rejuvenation

A natural, non-surgical option to treat under eye circles and bags

PRP/ PRF undereyes

ABOUT PRF Under Eye injection

PRF stands for Platelet-Rich Fibrin. It's an advanced medical treatment derived from an individual’s own blood and is primarily used in various healing and regenerative processes. In cosmetic procedures, PRF is used to improve skin quality, promote hair growth, and treat areas that show signs of aging. It can be applied in aesthetic treatments similar to PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) to rejuvenate the skin, reduce wrinkles, and enhance facial volume naturally.


PRF is derived from a sample of an individual's own blood. The blood is spun in a centrifuge, which separates its different components. PRF is unique because it contains a high concentration of platelets, growth factors, and fibrin (a protein involved in blood clotting). The concentration of platelets and growth factors in PRF plays a crucial role in healing and tissue regeneration. Platelets are not only essential for clotting but also release growth factors that aid in wound healing and encourage the growth of new cells. PRF works to correct dark circles and under-eye pigmentation because the plasma can help to regain the lost elasticity and plumpness under the eyes by repairing the weakening collagen and elastin in the skin and clear away puffiness due to excess fluid retention and toxins.

how it works

Swelling commonly goes away 48 to 72 hours after injection. However, if you experience bruising, that bruise may last up to two weeks. For best results, it is recommended that patients undergo 3 initial treatments, 4-6 weeks apart. Patients should expect to need a follow-up treatment once within 6-12 months of the final PRF session. This timing varies depending on the patient’s age, how the body responds to the PRF treatment and the initial severity of the under-eye circles.



  • Unlike synthetic fillers, PRF is derived from your own blood, making it a natural alternative. It not only fills under-eye hollows but also improves skin texture and elasticity by encouraging the body's own healing processes.

  • Discomfort is typically minimal since the area can be numbed before the procedure. The sensation is often compared to a quick pinch, and the use of fine needles makes the process relatively comfortable.

  • The entire procedure usually takes about 30 to 45 minutes, including preparation time. The actual injections take only a few minutes.

  • Recovery is usually quick, with minimal downtime. Patients may experience mild swelling and bruising, which typically resolves within a week. Most people return to their normal activities immediately after the procedure.

  • Initial improvements can often be seen within a few weeks, with full results developing over several months as the body produces more collagen. The results are gradual and natural-looking.

  • The effects of PRF under-eye rejuvenation can last up to a year or more. Results vary depending on individual factors such as skin type, age, and lifestyle. Some patients choose to have touch-up treatments to maintain their results.